Join our extraordinary journey and
break new ground.
An open invitation to open minds.

Heuron is committed to make innovative and disruptive technology and
provide a friendly and warm working environment.
At Heuron, we help change the lives of people across the globe and
improve patient care through intelligent software.

We are specialized in central nervous system disorders, including
Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Stroke and Brain tumor.
We continuously strive to grow and work together for a larger good.

Come to Heuron, where we are people who support each other and
create meaningful application.

자유로운 휴가 사용

출퇴근 9시~6시
칼퇴근 보장

각종 경조금 및 선물
경조사 시 축하금, 위로금 지급

명절상여 및 선물
명절 상여 및 선물

건강검진 실시

교육 지원
교육 및 도서비 지원

맛있는 간식 및 식사 무한제공

사내커피머신 2대설치

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